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Welcome to VPG Foil Resistors, your premier source for the finest Bulk Metal® Foil Resistors. VPG Foil Resistors is proud to encompass four world-class brands: VFR, Alpha Electronics, Powertron, and APR. We offer the widest selection of highly precise, stable, and reliable resistors designed for the most demanding applications. Precision and reliability are the heart and soul of VPG Foil Resistors. For decades, we have been synonymous with supreme quality, adhering to the strictest global standards. In response to increasing market demands, we have expanded our product line with APR, our new brand offering standardized resistors that meet the AEC-Q200 standard. Read more
This provides you with the broadest selection of highly precise and reliable resistors, whether made to order or from stock. Our unique Bulk Metal® Foil Resistor technology surpasses all other resistor technologies in terms of stability and precision. Our extensive range includes SMD small signal & power current sense resistors, resistor networks, hermetically sealed resistors, & high power current sense resistors up to 2,500 watts. Explore VPG Foil Resistors via our four brands of resistors and discover the pinnacle of precision and reliability for your critical applications.
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