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Begär enTronics Microsystems is a division of TDK’s Temperature & Pressure Sensors Business Group and a recognized technological leader in the sector of nano- and microsystems. Addressing high-growth markets relying on increasing miniaturization of electronic devices, the company provides custom and standard products especially to the industrial, aeronautics, security, and medical markets. Founded in 1997, Tronics is located in Crolles, near Grenoble (France) and in Dallas, Texas (United States), and has around 100 employees, most of them engineers and scientists. Following a tender offer ending January 2017, TDK Electronics AG (formerly EPCOS AG) now holds 74 percent of Tronics’ shares.
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![]() GYPRO® High Performance MEMS GyrosThe GYPRO® high performance MEMS gyroscopes product line has been specifically designed for applications that are more demanding than automotive, while not requiring ‘tactical grade’ FOG (Fiber Optic Gyros) or DTG (Dynamically Tuned Gyros). GYPRO® offers high bias stability, low noise and low latency. Our closed-loop gyroscopes product family is well suited to precision navigation and stabilization applications. | ![]() Evaluation Kits for GYPRO® High Performance MEMS GyrosTo facilitate the evaluation of Tronics' high performance MEMS gyros and accelerometers, the company has designed an evaluation kit compatible with the Arduino platform. Simply purchase an Arduino YUN board, plug it to the board, download Arduino software & drivers and run the first steps of your evaluation with USB or RS422 interface through the Tronics dedicated software. |
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