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Begär enSimco-Ion, the world's largest manufacturer of static control products, has been providing solutions to electrostatic issues in a wide range of industries since 1936. Simco-Ion’s comprehensive product line incorporates years of research, engineering, and field experience. You can be sure of receiving maximum performance and reliability.
Our goal is to help you reduce costs, improve operations, and increase quality. We approach each situation with a sincere attempt to understand unique customer needs and develop innovative solutions to static problems. This approach is extremely successful and has continued to earn us the privileged business of OEM and end-user customers worldwide.
Featured Products | ||
![]() Aerostat PC Ionizing Air BlowerSimco-Ion's Aerostat PC Ionizing Air Blower provides localized coverage with superior charge decay efficiency. The Aerostat PC operates on AC technology and is designed to provide ionization to a targeted work surface. | ![]() Aerostat Guardian Overhead Ionizing BlowerSimco-Ion's Aerostat Guardian Blower provides superior static charge decay over an entire work surface area. Equipped with task lighting and an integrated heater, the Guardian offers user-friendly operation while effectively protecting sensitive components from ESD damage. | ![]() AirForce Ionizing Blow-off GunThe Simco-Ion AirForce Ionizing Blow-off Gun was designed with the operator in mind. The AirForce’s lightweight, flexible air hose—just 3/8” in diameter—moves with the operator and makes work easier. No high voltage cable means improved operator safety. The gun’s ergonomic design—with a light touch trigger and easy-view LED—minimizes fatigue and eliminates wrist hyperextension. |
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