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Beha-Amprobe - great quality testing tools for electricians. With a combined experience of over 100 years, well-known German brand Beha and US-based Amprobe have a track record to be proud of. Now joined forces, and together we are committed to making your job safer, faster and easier than ever.

Our expertise is legendary. Almost 70 years ago in 1948, we invented the very first clamp meter, and we haven’t stopped innovating since. From multimeters to voltage detectors, at Beha-Amprobe we constantly improve our designs to provide you with the very best quality tools and support.

Whether you need testing tools for industrial, commercial or residential applications, at Beha-Amprobe we offer innovative test equipment to fit your needs. All of our tools undergo rigorous testing to ensure the quality and safety you know and trust.

This makes Beha-Amprobe the right solution for your test requirements - installation testers, appliance testers (PAT), voltage detectors and continuity testers, digital multimeters, clamp meters and thermometers, for taking measurements in residential, HVAC, electrical and industrial applications.

Featured Products

AM-500 Multimeters

The Beha-Amprobe AM-500-EUR Digital Multimeter Series, a full line of digital multimeters that offer functions for every application. These tough meters are designed to be a reliable, feature-rich, and rugged solution for taking critical measurements in residential, HVAC, electrical and industrial settings at breakthrough affordability.

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200/300 Clampmeters

The Beha-Amprobe Series AMP-200-EUR and -300-EUR are True-RMS Clamp Meters that offer a complete range of measuring functions for today’s modern electrical environments. The Amp-Tip function allows for precise measurement of currents down to the tenth of an Amp

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Environmental test

Environmental testing: Temperature, light, sound, humidity, rotational speed Beha-Amprobe provides a wide range of environmental testing products from temperature measurement, to fit your application, through to moisture meters, sound level meters, and light meters

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Produktlista från Beha Amprobe

Test & Measurement

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